Wisebread has some AWESOME tips on how to "permiter peruse" at Target. For those of you that haven't discovered the wonderful clearance deals at Target this article has lots of great info on how to find them and when you'll likely find the best prices.
The daily markdown schedule info is great. It
can vary from store to store but most generally follow this method:
Monday - Electronics, Kids Clothing and Stationary (Cards, GiftWrap, etc.)
Tuesday - Domestics, Women's Clothing, Pets and Market (food items)
Wednesday - Men's Clothing, Toys, Lawn & Garden, Health and Beauty items
Thursday - House Wares, Lingerie, Sporting Goods, Shoes, Music / Movies, Books, Decor and Luggage
Friday - Auto, Cosmetics, Hardware, and Jewelry
The holiday markdown schedule for holiday related merchandise is great too:
50% off the day after holiday for three days
75% off the fourth day after holiday for three days
90% off the seventh day after holiday for 1-2 days
Head on over to read the article in full at
Wisebread. You won't be disappointed and I'm sure it'll have you thinking a little differently about how you shop at Target next time!